64 Common Green Card Interview Questions

When you have your Green Card interview scheduled, you're in the home stretch of your immigration journey! Green card questions are not designed to trick you, but the process of being questioned can be intimidating. 

To help you prepare, we've compiled some common Green Card interview questions that you might be asked. Questions for an immigration interview can cover several areas, so we've broken them down into categories for you. 

Marriage-based Green Card questions

  • When and where did you marry?

  • Where did you meet your spouse?

  • Where did you go on your first date?

  • How long did you date?

  • When did you realize you were in love?

  • When, where, and how did you marry?

  • How many people attended the wedding?

  • Name a few common friends who attended.

  • Who is your spouse's employer?

  • What time does your spouse arrive home from work?

  • What is your spouse's date of birth?

  • What are the names of your mother and father-in-law?

  • Where did you meet your in-laws, and how many times?

  • How many siblings does your spouse have, and what are their names?

  • Do you spend holidays with your in-laws?

  • Does your spouse have nieces or nephews, and what are their names?

Family history Green Card questions

  • What are the names of your parents?

  • What is your mother's maiden name?

  • Have your parents visited the US?

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Military-related Green Card questions

  • Were you ever in the military or police service?

  • Did you take part in any conflicts?

  • Were you in the US military?

  • What type of service did you perform?

  • What rank did you hold?

  • Which unit were you posted to?

Immigration status Green Card questions

  • Where were you born?

  • What country's citizenship do you hold?

  • What is your legal status in the US?

  • When did you come to the US?

  • How did you come to the US?

  • Have you worked in the US?

  • Have you ever violated the conditions of your visa?

Travel-related Green Card questions

  • Have you traveled to any foreign countries while living in the US?

  • When and where did you travel?

  • What was the reason for the trip?

  • How long were you outside the US?

  • Did you have any Customs or Immigration issues when re-entering the US?

Residential history-related Green Card questions

  • What is your current address?

  • How long have you been at that address?

  • Where did you live previously?

  • How many places have you lived over the last five years?

  • Did you move after making your Green Card application?

Education-related Green Card questions

  • What is your highest level of education?

  • Where did you receive your education? 

Employment-related Green Card questions

  • What is your job?

  • Who is your employer?

  • What is your salary?

Income tax-related Green Card questions

  • Do you file and pay income tax returns?

  • Do you have your tax returns?

  • Do you owe the IRS for unpaid taxes?

  • Have you ever failed to pay taxes?

Character-related Green Card questions

  • Do you abide by US laws?

  • Have you ever claimed to be a US citizen?

  • Do you believe in equality for everyone regardless of nationality, race, or religion?

  • How do you see criticism of your views?

  • Do you belong to any organizations? If so, which ones, and what is your position?

  • Have you ever supported a banned organization?

Criminal record-related Green Card questions

  • Do you have a criminal record?

  • Have you ever been arrested?

  • Did you serve probation or receive a suspended sentence?

  • Do you have traffic or parking tickets?

  • Have you ever been sent to an immigration camp?

  • Do you drink and drive?

  • Do you have any domestic violence complaints?


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