Turn recurring payments into credit building

Easily enhance your products and create a stickier experience with a credit-builder loans built for ‘new to credit’ customers


Unlock new revenue and
deepen customer relationships

Gain access to a wider audience

Reach participants who are eager to establish their credit history and take charge of their credit score

Retain low credit utilization customers

Offer a way to help retain customers at risk of churn and help bolster customer engagement

Create a base of loyal customers

Engage new customers and pave the way for a deeper relationship through your other products


Empower customers to achieve financial wellness

Seamless Integration

Easily drop Credit Builder into your experience with a few lines of code

Customizable Rates

Customers can take advantage of customizable rates that fit their needs

Threshold Alerts

Receive alerts when consumers achieve a score level you specify

Optimal Funnel

Maximize revenue through your commitment to optimizing your sign-up funnel


How would it work for your customer?

Flexible Terms

Configure as an installment loan or enable recurring payments to become credit building.

Automatic Payments

Customers payments build positive credit history. Payment activity will be reported to credit bureaus.

See Progress

Credit monitoring helps you build customer engagement while your customer see their credit progress.

Credit Worthiness

Your customer has established credit history and is ready for the next step in their financial journey!


Fully customize with our API

Designed for developers. flexible APIs let you configure innovative financial solutions with control and flexibility

Ready to get started?