Kickstart new revenue in weeks with a white-label card
Generate high margin revenue on interchange, deposits and payments.
Users who bank with you, stick with you. Enhance your brand identity with a sticky financial product built for your unique users.
Launch in weeks with a fully compliant platform ready to launch “out of the box.”
Credit building comes standard, give users a reason to use and helping you win the battle for “top of wallet.”
Customize card design, rewards, and features to align your unique brand.
Fraud detection, encryption, and secure online transaction capabilities, the card ensures the safety and privacy of your customers’ financial data.
Generate high margin revenue from credit card interchange fees, interest and payments
Stand out in the market by offering a branded card, with a design, rewards, and features built for your unique customer segment
Maximize your bottom line by earning income on every transaction, all while giving your users a financial product that they’ll love
Turnkey capabilities in a single integration enables you to add and optimize around the services that matter most for users and business